When You Should Use a Corporate Jet for Business Trips

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8 months ago

The concept of using some sort of corporate aircraft for business purposes is nothing new. Even so, there are times when business owners wonder if there is any real benefit to chartering a corporate jet versus reserving a commercial flight. Here are a few of the situations that call for chartering a flight and making sure you are not left vulnerable to the things that can happen when you take a commercial flight.

Salvaging a Valued Customer

Losing a major customer will do more than shrink your cash flow. It will also harm the reputation of your business. Instead of assuming all is lost, you need to take action now. That means get-ting in front of the decision makers before they have the opportunity to replace your goods or services with those supplied by a competitor.

In this scenario, traveling by corporate jet makes a lot of sense. You can gather your resources, rush to the airport, and be on the way in a couple of hours. Compare that with attempting to book a commercial flight for tomorrow, or even flying stand-by today and hoping you can get a flight out. The sooner you can see the client face to face and work through whatever makes the customer want to leave, the easier it will be to retain the business and maintain the company’s reputation.

Landing a Major Client

You’ve been working on securing a major client for several months. Now there’s the perfect op-portunity to close the deal. The only thing is that you need to be in front of that prospective cli-ent as quickly as possible. Any delay increases the odds of missing an opportunity that may nev-er come again.

Since the business volume is significant, choosing to arrange a corporate jet charter does make sound financial sense. The investment allows you to seal the deal, get the contract signed, and begin to provide services or products to that new client immediately. In some cases, you will see that the first full month of billed orders will more than justify the cost of the charter flight.

A Last-Minute Chance to Participate in a Convention or Trade Show

You missed out on the opportunity to exhibit at an important trade show or represent the com-pany at a key industry convention. Out of the blue, you are contacted and told that a space has opened up after all. The only problem is that the event begins on Monday and it’s Friday after-noon. What do you do?

Instead of declining the opportunity and possibly missing out on a lot of new contacts, immedi-ately begin to make plans. Along with preparing your exhibit for travel and gathering plenty of giveaway items and sales collateral to hand out, you want to arrange a corporate jet rental. The jet will have you and all the essentials at the destination sometime Saturday. That gives you time to set up the exhibit, pick up any accent pieces that you need locally, and ensure everything is in place by Monday morning. Since most of what you need travels right along with you, there are no worries about your exhibit and collateral ending up at some far-away city.

There are plenty of other reasons to use a corporate jet for business trips. Take a look at how this approach would benefit the company in terms of retaining and securing new business that might result from meeting with a digital marketing / SEO company to promote your brand online. It won’t take long to see why this approach to travel will pay off much sooner than you think.

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