Go Big or Go Home: How to Rent a Helicopter for Your Proposal

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You’ve found the person that you want to marry and live with for the rest of your life. Now it’s time to decide if your beloved feels the same way. You want the proposal to be something special that both of you will remember fondly. One way you can ensure the event is everything it should be is by choosing to arrange for a helicopter for rent. Here are some tips that will help you plan everything from the moment the special evening begins all the way to the conclusion.

Start the Planning Weeks in Advance

While some approaches to a proposal can be spontaneous, that’s not the route you have in mind. Instead, you are going for something that’s romantic but a little more than Valentine’s Day romantic. This has to be something that is above and beyond anything you’ve ever done with your beloved before. That means you need to start making plans for the helicopter rental and the rest of the evening in advance.

Allow yourself at least a month to come up with a plan and make all the arrangements. If you can start at six weeks to two months, that’s all the better. With more time to plan, you also have the opportunity to explore more ways to make the evening special. It’s quite possible that you start out with a plan and come across some great ideas for adding new elements to the evening.

Remember that you want to think about what will happen before the two of you board the personal helicopter, where the helicopter charter will take you, what will happen while the two of you are in the air, and what takes place once the helicopter reaches the intended destination. That cover as lot of ground and you want to make sure every aspect of the trip is perfect.

Consider Renting a Limo to Get to the Airport

While you are finding the right helicopter for rent, consider arranging for a limo to take the two of you to the airport. You may find that the service selected for the private helicopter also has connections for ground transportation that will help you with this aspect.

Make sure to reserve the limo for more time than you believe will be needed. Allow for time to pick up your beloved, deal with unexpected traffic, and ensure that there is still plenty of time to board the helicopter rental for that special evening at a distant restaurant.

You may want to keep the limo rental simple since your beloved has no idea what’s planned for the evening. The object of your affection will know that the evening includes dinner at a place both of you have talked about, but that’s it. At this juncture, don’t make any special arrangements for the limo ride other than maybe having champagne chilled and waiting. That’s enough to make the evening start off well, but not so much that your beloved will start wondering if there’s more to the evening than you let on.

Choose a Destination

Where will the helicopter charter take the two of you? There needs to be a destination in mind. Perhaps it will be a restaurant that the two of you have talked about trying one day, but never have before. Maybe it’s a club or eatery that the two of you tried while on a vacation together and enjoyed a great deal. Maybe it’s a place that your beloved has never been but wanted to try one day because you liked it so much.

The destination should be one that’s logical for a special evening out, but not one that is likely to raise any suspicions. Ideally, the trip in the personal helicopter should only take an hour or so, since that makes it perfect for making a round trip in a relatively short period of time.

When you rent a helicopter, it never hurts to consider how many destinations are within a reasonable distance from where you start. Your beloved will see it as a nice evening out for some type of celebration and nothing more. Only the pilot for the helicopter charter and the associate who helped set up the helicopter for rent will know what you have in mind.

Don’t Forget the Purported Reason for the Special Celebration

While the professionals who are arranging the helicopter rental for you will know what the evening holds, you don’t want your beloved to suspect a thing. That means you need to come up with some type of believable reason for this special date. Fortunately, there are all sorts of possibilities to consider.

Maybe you could say that you want to rent a helicopter and go somewhere special as a way to celebrate winning an award at work. Perhaps you just got a huge commission and want to spend part of it doing something a little out of the ordinary with the person who means a lot to you right now. Maybe you won a free helicopter for rent for one evening only and want to seize the opportunity to go somewhere that both of you have talked about before.

You know your beloved and understand that some flimsy reason for the helicopter rental will never work. The person of your dreams is too smart for that. Put some thought into coming up with a good reason to rent a helicopter and it will be accepted.

Make Sure It’s Just the Two of You (And the Pilot!)

When you do rent a helicopter, make sure that it really will be just the two of you on the flight. Of course, you want a pilot to take care of flying the private helicopter, but that person will be the only other one along for the ride.

Don’t assume the team at the charter company will know you want a personal helicopter without a specific request. There are times when someone will rent a helicopter with the intention to propose at the destination rather than the actual flight. Since you are thinking of doing so while the two of you are in the air, it’s important to specifically request a private helicopter.

Remember that the pilot will be discreet. That’s important since it ensures the two of you get to enjoy a reasonable amount of privacy throughout the inbound and outbound trips. If the pilot knows in advance that you plan on proposing, the professional will know exactly how to ensure you have all the privacy that you want.

Think About Flowers and Candy

Flowers and candy are touches you can add as part of the helicopter rental. Assuming you came up with a plausible excuse for booking the helicopter charter in the first place, they won’t seem to be out of place at all. You can bet that the team at the charter company will make sure they are tucked away in the right places prior to the flight. This will be a nice surprise for your beloved as the two of you board the personal helicopter.

Remember that helicopters do come in more than one size. That will make it easy to choose a helicopter for rent that has enough space for the two of you to sit comfortably and still leave room for the flowers and candy.

Pop the Question Before or After Dinner?

Now comes the need to decide when you will actually propose. While one approach is to do it at the restaurant, you would like it to occur in a more private setting. The return trip in the private helicopter is a setting that you should consider carefully.

This strategy offers several benefits over popping the question before dinner. First, the two of you get to enjoy quite a bit of the evening before the time for the proposal arrives. Second, you are likely to be a little nervous. Even if you’ve been married before, this is a whole new relationship and there is still a little suspense about what the answer will be. Last, you genuinely want to make everything leading up to the proposal to be one of the best times your beloved has ever experienced.

It’s easy enough to arrange the helicopter rental so everyone understands the sequence of events. The pilot will ensure everything is just right on the personal helicopter in terms of making the setting perfect for a proposal. In a sense, you have several co-conspirators working on the helicopter charter to ensure nothing is left to chance. When you rent a helicopter and tell the service what you have in mind, they can put your mind at ease by recounting how they have arranged things for couples in the past.

What About a Special Display on the Ground?

One suggestion they may make is coming up with some sort of ground display that you and your beloved will see during the return trip. It’s possible to set up a display that is not illuminated in advance and only have it on around the time you are due to return.

The pilot can be in on the entire arrangement by calling in a message at the beginning of the return trip. That’s the cue for the team who set up the helicopter charter to turn on the lights and make sure the two of you will see it at just the right time.

For example the lighted display that the two of you see as you return on the private helicopter could include the name of your beloved followed by something like “I have a question for you.” At that point, you go down on one knee, extend the ring, as ask the question.

When you arrange for the helicopter for rent, you could also set up a message that gets right to the point. In this scenario, your beloved sees the following near the end of the return flight: will you marry me? You will be ready with the ring in hand.

What Happens if the Answer is No?

While all this sounds romantic and wonderful, there is still the possibility that your beloved’s answer will be something other than yes. As crushing as that will be, it helps to know that pilots and services that help with helicopter rental arrangements have seen this happen before. They will know what to do in order to help you through this awkward moment.

Along with the helicopter for rent, there’s the matter of ground transportation when the two of you return. If leaving the airport in the same limo will be awkward, the pilot can discreetly call ahead and make sure there are two modes of transportation waiting instead of one. That will allow the two of you to go your separate ways for the evening and maybe talk more after the emotions settle down a bit.

Remember that the professionals at the helicopter rental service are dedicated to helping each client enjoy their charter flights from beginning to end. That means preparing for all sorts of contingencies. Along with making sure the personal helicopter selected for the trip is just what you want, they will also take care of all sorts of details that you have in mind. That includes being there in the event things don’t work out the way you hoped.

Now is the ideal time to start working out the details for that special evening. Start with making all the arrangements for the private helicopter, including where the two of you will go and what will happen during the trip. Once you do rent a helicopter and work out all the other plans, don’t forget to have the ring in your pocket. When the time comes, you will have in within easy reach and get to make the moment even more special when you seem to produce it from out of thin air.

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